Tag Archives: classes

That’s trippy dude.


The husband’s birthday was this month, and for the past decade I’ve been giving him experience gifts rather than material things…. because we all know the man has more than enough stuff. Over the years I’ve gifted him a trip to a spooky old hotel in the Poconos that felt like the Overlook in Stephen King’s The Shining…



The place was huge!



So huge I could never manage to get a shot of the entire thing in frame.  And we were literally the only guests.



Room after room.



Floor after floor.



All to ourselves.



I expected to see the twins every time we walked to our room. Uber creepy.


I’ve given him beer making classes….



Look at all those serious student faces.



And seeing him stir an actual pot? Was well worth the student fee.

I even gave him  falconry training.



That was awesome. If you ever have the chance, take it.



They really are spectacular creatures.



And hey, where else do you get to walk around with a bag of decapitated quails?



But last year brought Covid and the romantic getaway to the coastal resort I chose was cancelled. This year? We didn’t go anywhere either so along with a few Marine Corps themed items and a handful of vintage Red Sox collectibles… I got him something for the man cave.



Doesn’t look impressive you say?



Trust me, it is.



I’m imaging many alcohol induced oohs and ahs when we plop this baby on the bar.




You’re never too old to learn…. Knotweed Flutes.


It’s time for class!




No worries, there won’t be a test.

Maine Adult Education offers endless opportunities to  shake your head and say WTF? enrich your mind. Last year there were some fascinating topics:


You’re never too old to learn…. Spoons.

You’re never to old to learn…. Potatoes.

You’re never too old to learn…. Ukulele

You’re never too old to learn…. Chakra Toning.

You’re never too old to learn…. Mindfulness.


And this year started off with a bang as well…

You’re never to old to learn…. Tin Cans.


Today’s selection from the  brochure of the bizarre  curriculum is:




Yes, you too can have your very own flute made from a pesky weed in your backyard.

To hell with cutting it down…



Blow into it and start a band.

You’ll be the envy of your friends, I promise.




And in case you’re unfamiliar…

Japanese Knotweed is a large, extremely invasive plant.



                           actual photo of Japanese Knotweed swallowing small child


It’s almost impossible to get rid of once it takes hold, and ironically… cutting only spreads it.

There really is only one reliable course of action available.




So why not take the class…

And make a flute before it swallows you whole?








You’re never too old to learn…. Mindfulness.


I was cleaning out my desk the other day and found an old brochure for Adult Education.

Then I remembered I’d started a series on some of the more interesting classes when I first started blogging here…


You’re never too old to learn…. Chakra Toning.

You’re never too old to learn…. Spoons.

You’re never too old to learn…. Ukulele


Yes, you can learn some weird things in Maine.

So let’s continue….





I’m glad someone is.

Today’s class?






The definition?

1. the quality or state of being conscious


So let me get this straight…

For $95, and over the course of 6 weeks, they’re going to teach me to be conscious?

To be honest, that’s not usually something I have a problem with…. unless I’ve had too much to drink.



And as I read the class description I kept picturing this:




But for the hell of it, I tried practicing being in the moment…

And it didn’t seem too difficult.




And I figured…

I got this.

Who needs a class?






It didn’t work.

But that’s okay, I’d much rather buy $95 worth of Girl Scout Cookies anyway…..

Even better than rocks…


I’ve been known to give some interesting birthdays gifts in my time.

Some elicit laughter, some tears….

Some? Downright befuddlement.

It’s all good.

In the past few years, I’ve gifted my husband with experiences as well as tangible items.

2014 was a beer making lesson.




Friends and family joined us for what I thought would be a laugh a minute celebration…




Ah, look at those happy faces.

(Word of warning –  if you’re thinking about trying it? There’s a lot more to beer than drinking. And I don’t recommend any of it.)

Beer drinking? Fun!

Beer making?




Not so much.

It’s a long involved process…. that I completely stopped caring about two hours in.




Poor husband.

Look at him… he had his tasting glass ready and it wasn’t anywhere near finished.

Birthday experience gift rating on a scale of 1 to 10?



Last year I nailed it with a School of Falconry class.

This was fabulous and we both enjoyed it immensely.




Husband got up close and personal with a Harris Hawk and a Peregrine Falcon.

And they were both beautiful creatures.




Learning to handle them can be challenging.




As well as a little intimidating.

Of course, they were nothing compared to the instructor.



She was downright terrifying.

(I think the husband had flashbacks to boot camp and reverted to a quivering PFC before my eyes.)

But baggie of dead quails aside?




An awesome day.

Birthday experience gift rating?

A definite 10!


So this year, along with the rock and other assorted presents…

I gave him a helicopter.





Okay, calm down.

Those babies go for $425,000.

I gave him the experience of learning how to fly a helicopter.

Half an hour class instruction, half an hour flying time with 2 guests.

I’m not sure when we’ll do it, most likely after the weather warms up.

But I’m guessing it’s going to be a good one!

Assuming we don’t die in a flaming fireball of a crash…

That’s bound to reduce the rating.