Tag Archives: light

Let there be light.


In a previous post I shared photos of the lamp my husband gave me for my birthday. And though I have no reasonable explanation why it should be so… that was not the first lamp I’ve received for the occasion.



It started with this ridiculously expensive hand done reverse painted Fenton. It’s pretty, if a little froo froo for my taste.



A few years later? Another froo froo reverse painted frosted glass lamp.

Did we require more bedroom lighting? No.

Did I have the heart to tell my husband I wasn’t overly thrilled with these floral ( and paisley! 😳 ) gifts? Again, no.

But somehow he got the hint and no girly lamps were given for at least 5 years. Because that was when he switched to stained glass.



A definite improvement, but one must ask…



How many lamps does one girl need?

And mind you, every time I receive one of these low level, don’t use a high wattage bulb or you’ll damage the shade! gifts I have to remove the existing enough light to read and not bump into furniture lamps. So basically, our home is a dimly lit cave.

Traverse at your own risk.



God help me, this one looks like a giant fish scaled helmet.

I try to hide it behind a plant.

* Note to self – buy bigger plant. *

I’d like to tell you that’s all of them.

I really would.


A barn bar boo boo.


Our contractor has an uncanny knack for showing up when we’re not home or sneaking in when we’re not looking.



Like the other day when we walked into the barn and found he’d laid the top of the bar on the base…



And dropped off the stained pieces for the facing.

This end looked good…



The other end?



Not so much.



It seemed the corners didn’t quite fit together as planned.



So glue and clamps were deployed.



He called us later that day and told us not to worry, all would be well.



I’m trusting he knows what’s he’s talking about. And actually, by neon bar light?



It didn’t look half bad.


Products no one needs.


My only question is why anyone makes these things in the first place.



I prefer my clams in chowder with heavy cream thank you very much.



Oh, hell no. I can only drink if the BeeGees are playing?

Trust me, if the BeeGees are playing…. I’ll need more not less.



I’m sorry, but they don’t. Less really is more.



While this is rather cute? It’s also a great way to take out an eye. Weaponized mallows are over the top, even for me.





No. Aside from the fact the packaging seems to be marketed for 6 year old girls…

I refuse to wear a perfume named Juicy Bunny on sheer principle.


Let there be light….


Bright and early Sunday morning the husband and his friend were hard at it.

Removing the stuffing they’d previously stuffed and drilling holes for the continuous feed wires to slip through.



This, as you can imagine…. was a royal pain in the  *ss.




But finally,  it was ready for a light fixture.

And my husband used the pool table as an auxiliary ladder.






A light fixture.




Which receives the husband’s very technical and OSHA approved tug test.

Just kidding, OSHA reps run screaming in horror from any project my husband oversees.

More stuffing, more plywood.



Light fixture number two was not at all cooperative, and adjustments I don’t even want to contemplate were made.

This might be a good time to mention the time my husband installed a ceiling fan in our living room in North Carolina.

It took an electrician 2 hours to undo that mess.



But after an hour of tinkering, and some oh so colorful language…

Fixture two was up.



Were the proper amount of decorative screws used?  They were not.

Was it in perfect alignment with the first light fixture?  It was not.



But since this simple job took them over 5 hours?

I doubt they cared.


  • For informational purposes only – the husband can not decide whether he wants to put ceiling fans in between the lights or just another light, hence the open middle space.

Farnsworth Part 2…..


Continuing our stroll around the museum, we found abstract landscapes…




A necklace challenged woman…




And a large amount of love.




The husband still had that  what the hell am I looking at  puzzled look on his face… and read all the detailed descriptions in hopes of enlightenment.




And speaking of light….




While I’m generally not a fan of realism, the play of light and shadows in this piece were spectacular.




And now?





I found a rock!




As well as a nude on a mushroom.

Bet you’ve never seen that before.




Upstairs we found the Maine gallery.




Which welcomed us with bloody fish guts.

I’d have preferred an apple martini, but whatever.




There were Maine scenes.




Including this melancholy piece of women waiting for their men to return from the sea.




There was an extremely long panoramic of Main Street, Rockland in the 1800’s.




Did you know it’s known as the Lobster Capitol of the World?

You do now.




There was a model ship, which after those amazing examples we’d seen in Virginia…. looked like a 4 year old had built it.




Btw… did you know it’s bad luck to say the word pig on a lobster boat? I’ve known fisherman who won’t even bring a ham sandwich on board…. though no one could ever tell me where that started.




What does this have to do with Maine? Other than the fact it’s made with seashells, I have no idea.

I’ve certainly never seen a lobsterman wear one.




I’ve also never seen one wear that.

For which I am quite thankful…..




Done with the museum, I picked a restaurant on the Camden waterfront.




It had a nice view.




And a tasty Maine sipper.




But the husband wasn’t satisfied with the small lunch menu, so we just had clam chowder….




And wondered when that eagle was going to swoop down and snag a piece of fish.

Though I suggested a few other places to eat, the husband opted for Chinese take out…




Which was disappointing, again. It seems no matter how many places we try, they’re always awful.

My shrimp lo mien? Tasted like soap.

The beef and broccoli? Like they used Alpo for sauce.
