Tag Archives: sanitizer

Pandemic humor.


Because we all need a little chortle now and then.



I hear ya sister.



This is a brilliant idea.

I shall be cc’ing the CDC immediately.



That’s pretty much been our last 10 months. You?



Rode hard and put away wet.




This is almost too true to be funny.



Wish that happened when I tried it.

Though I do firmly believe in sanitizing from the inside out when it comes to tequila….


Pandemic humor.


Because we all need to laugh more often.



I don’t know, but FFS…. someone send her back.



How exactly does one do that?



We’ll all be doing this come January.




That sounds about right.



Guess it’s been a rough year for everyone.



Oh, those Brits.

Ever helpful with the good advice.



Here’s hoping your holiday is happy, safe and free of tactical response teams.



Pandemic humor.


Let’s keep laughing for as long as we can.



Me neither.

And that’s just wrong!



Personally, I would love a pet skunk. They’re affectionate and trainable to a litter box. We have them visit under our bird feeders every night and they are absolutely, positively, frickin’ adorable! But Maine made it illegal to capture and de-scent the little buggers years ago, so boo to that.




That looks about right.



Pulp Fiction – 2020 style.

And if you don’t believe in masks but are still responsible enough to wear one?



Voice your protest responsibly.



And for the record? My hips don’t either…


Never let your husband bag the groceries.


We had to run to the grocery store for a prescription last night and I figured while we were there I’d pick up a few things.

They were still out of paper products, water and flour….




But all I wanted was fresh fruit and veggies anyway.

When we got to the check out line…. with the reusable bags no Mainer is ever without… we were told a new policy of self bagging had been implemented, so the husband happily jumped right in.

Yes, he put the bananas on top of the bread… and the apples on top of the lettuce but it wasn’t until we got home that the real fun began.

Did I buy oil?

No, but a large bottle came home with us.

Did I buy pistachios?

No, but they came home with us as well.

And while it was bad enough the husband rounded up and bagged someone else’s groceries? He also packed this in our bag….



Hand sanitizer.

But not another shopper’s sanitizer.




He lifted one of the store use bottles they keep at each register.

Do not let your husband bag groceries.

