Tag Archives: tequila

Random snippets


I fear I may have tripped a disturbing algorithm by clicking on those pole dancing mice a while back.



Now I’ve got a squirrel working the room for tips .




Be still my heart.

I don’t have all the ingredients yet so if you beat me to it, let me know how they turn out.



Required momma woodchuck photo.



This decanter is wrong in so many ways I don’t know where to start…



Pickle soup? Equally as wrong…



News you can’t use.


Because there’s no limit to the crazy.



Et tu Cookie?



Girl Scout cookie extortion? That seems a little too on point.



Do my male readers have any wisdom to impart on this subject?



How huge?

8.7 million tons and the size of a shopping mall huge.


Our beach could literally be clean at 8 a.m. and three to four hours later a giant mat of sargassum the size of a mall will come in like the blob, like a Stephen King movie,” said Tom Mahady, city of Boynton Beach (Florida) Ocean Rescue chief. “It’s not pleasant for swimmers.”


I keep reading about this and hope my Florida friends will share some first hand photos when it arrives. Just remember to wear a gas mask, it’s pretty stinky.



Okay climate change deniers… shit just got real.



I Need You.


Okay… I’m a blogger. So technically yes, I do need you – my loyal readers – but that’s not what I’m talking about today.

I’m talking about the ear worm that has happily burrowed its way into my head and won’t let go.

I dare you to listen to this song and be able to sit still.

This song makes me want to dance… and Lord knows I don’t do that unless heavily lubricated with tequila.



Random nonsense.



The combination of marshmallow fluff and cream cheese is enough to make me hurl, but I suppose it’s an appropriate name. Eat enough of that and your booty will definitely be dipping.



If you’ve been in or around the military you’ll be laughing right now. If not, please continue reading.



A talking pear?

Damn it… now I’ll have to go out and listen to ours.



There’s no reason for this chicken. He just made me smile.



That’s one bottle that will not be making it’s way into the man cave bar.




Learn something new everyday.


So I had to buy it.



Because our weekly Scrabble games demanded it… and I’m tired of the husband getting mad when I tell him his word doesn’t exist.



Hornito is a mound of volcanic matter?

I always thought it was a tequila.



I admit to not knowing recta was the plural of rectum… and won’t comment on its proximity to the word rectory.

Nope. Not going there.

And speaking of Jesus…



All this was fascinating but I draw the line here.



Grr should not be an acceptable Scrabble word.

And grrrl?

Apparently it references a feminist punk rock movement in the Northwest called Riot Grrrl.

I call foul. And despise common usage additions to dictionaries.

P.S. don’t tell my husband.


Pandemic humor.


Because we all need a little chortle now and then.



I hear ya sister.



This is a brilliant idea.

I shall be cc’ing the CDC immediately.



That’s pretty much been our last 10 months. You?



Rode hard and put away wet.




This is almost too true to be funny.



Wish that happened when I tried it.

Though I do firmly believe in sanitizing from the inside out when it comes to tequila….


Pandemic humor.


Because we all still need a laugh.




Now that’s just rude.




This looks like a great idea since I always whup the husband at gin rummy and he won’t play with me anymore.

*Note to self – borrow neighbor’s rooster*




I really do miss traveling.

Even if it’s just to the next town.









Gwyneth  (correct spelling)  can bite me.

( Did I already post this one? Maybe… but the sentiment holds true. )





They think they know everything. It happens to be tequila.

Stuff it Mittens.




Jesus… neither do I!

We’re doomed.



Distancing…. A definition.


According to the dictionary, the definition of distancing is:

To make someone or something far off or remote in position.




Not a difficult concept… so maybe you can tell me why certain groups of people have such a hard time comprehending it.

( I realize I’m going to tick some readers off with this next part, but I’m sorry… the situation is ticking me off on a daily basis. )

The husband and I have been good little virus citizens. We stay home, alone…. and I have made 2 trips to the grocery store (and only the grocery store!) in the past 19 days.

This is the definition of social distancing… and if it’s what we have to do to save American lives? Then that’s what we’ll do.

So if I can’t go to my local pub and pray to the God of Tequila?

You can’t go to church and pray to yours.



My pub is closed. Shut up tight so groups can’t gather and spread infection. But your churches are wide open and hundreds are sitting side by side.

I know my bar stool misses me, but I can drink at home if I choose. So how about you choose to pray at home as well? I know it’s possible, my mother did it every night.

Here are a few examples of what’s currently ticking me off –

Our daughter of the heart posted a state of North Carolina alert which listed churches as “essential” places that could remain open.

In Washington state 60 people attended a church choir practice. 45 of them now have the virus, and 2 of them are dead.

A pastor from Louisiana said closing churches would be “discrimination against the faith”.

Coincidence that 12 days after he said this the number of positive cases in that state skyrocketed?




But for shepherds who are supposed to care for their flocks?



The two small churches in our town are offering online video sermons and outreach through social media. That’s the correct way to practice distancing and tend to your flock at the same time.

Common sense will get us through this.

Let’s try to have some.