Tag Archives: moose

News you can’t use.


Still here, still reporting on the absurd.



Kudos to the wedding photographer who caught the exact moment. That’s money well spent.



Mom voice.

Once heard, never forgotten.



I’ve had friends with allergies who were allergic to things that are hard to avoid…. grass, dust, animal dander… but being allergic to yourself? Hard to avoid that trigger.



In my experience using a shot glass makes everything easier.



Oh, sure.

That too.



This is the best thing I’ve seen all week.



News you can’t use.


Useless, but addicting… no?



This is the very definition of useless news.



See? You could have gone all day without knowing that.



I think the cross makes this outfit. Nothing like piety like a good circumboob.



If you’re going to lay out a veritable plant buffet, you have to expect random nibblers.



I, on the other hand… do not.




And it sticks to… what?

Hard pass.


Random tidbits


Have you seen this duck?



I really hope Crystal wanders by our house at some point because seeing a woman chase after her with a net is positively screaming blog fodder.



We ducked into a favorite pub last week for a toddy and a nosh. The pot stickers were less than spectacular, but the cranberry ginger crush was yummy.



Sitting at the bar I saw this…



And while the thought of peanut butter whiskey disgusts me, the delivery system has merit.



I don’t recommend running into a moose . Our friend did years ago… his bike was totaled and he spent a month in the hospital . The moose? He sauntered off like he’d been tapped by a fly swatter.


Random nonsense.


Social media is full of “remember when” posts and I normally scroll right by without paying attention. But then I saw this… and thought, damn!



They’re right.

It is, and we did.


The next photo was taken at my local grocery store and should be titled You Know You’re In Maine When….



And last but certainly not least… Disney can bite me. To say I haven’t gotten over my anger at George Lucas for selling Star Wars to the Mouse is a gross understatement. I felt betrayed. Bewildered. And completely bereft. No more anxiously waiting the next movie to drop, no more costumed premieres. Now there’s series after series I won’t see because I don’t want to stream Disney Plus.

Baby Yoda? Never met him.

The Mandolorian? Have no idea how he even fits into the story.

But now? The final insult.



I will miss Vader’s backstory.

Screw you George Lucas!



I bought a moose.


Calm down, I’m not talking about this kind of moose…



I’m talking about this kind:



Damn right I do. But drinking in the man cave will be so much better with a moose head made from beer and liquor cardboard boxes for company.



I could have gone with the deer…



Or the eagle.

But this is Maine. It had to be the moose.



It should be here next week.

Here’s hoping it’s half as much fun as the pictures.


Maine, glorious Maine.


I think you all know I adore my state. It’s scenically beautiful and far enough off the beaten path for our weirdos to be considered delightfully quirky. So let me share a few other reasons Maine is a wonderful, if slightly odd, place to live.



You’d be surprised how often these potentially fatal conversations take place.



And yet they all try.



If you’ve never seen a real live moose in person? Trust me…. they’re huge and will total your car when hit.



Many people will tell you it still tastes like horrible medicine, but I love it. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream? Mm, mm, good.



I personally know of 7 Hardscrabble Roads… but hey, no one said living in Maine is easy.


I love my town.


And I love their Facebook group page.



A moo disorder?

More likely the poster has a Budweiser disorder.




I’m not sure what Doug did to rate a shout out, but I’ll go with it.



Damn. All I have under my bed is dust bunnies… where’s the fun in that?

Here’s a random photo of ducks that were for sale at our local hardware store. I’m always tempted to bring home a few when the husband sends me up there for screws.




Now there’s a platform no one can argue with.



You do, you really do.

Does anyone know where I can score one of those beauties?


CSA and grocery store horrors.


Another veggie bonanza.



Tomatoes, beets, leek, basil, carrots, parsley, squash, radish, chickory, spinach, Korean melon and yes… the dreaded kale.

It’s lovely having fresh organic veggies right out of the ground and buying less at the grocery store’s produce section.



Tastes like an artichoke. Then why not buy an artichoke? I’m so tired of wannabe food.

Be what you are…. and be happy!




Burgers are not made from plants! Not in my world anyway. But did you notice the oh so cleverly named Incogmeato only has 32% less fat than the real thing? Where’s the other 68% come from… lard coated arugula?

I’ll pass.



Right Rice made from vegetables is wrong.

So wrong in fact, check out the bottom left corner of the package. It’s made from chickpeas, peas and.. rice.

Rice made from rice.

What a novel idea.

And then, because I live and shop in Maine? This was also available for purchase:



A map of mooses.


Big goofy looking things with horns, often seen in the company of a squirrel.

You can’t miss them.
