Tag Archives: boredom

Retirement boredom project update.


The husband is still hard at work down in the basement.



And has turned the proverbial as well as literal corner.



Although safety is clearly not a high priority.



Does our basement need a ceiling? No.



But it’s certainly getting one.



And a white one at that.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten? He seems baffled by the strange noises rising up through the heating vents and is keeping a close eye (ear?) on the progress.


The still bored with retirement project continues…


The unnecessary basement ceiling project is moving right along.



And after the husband didn’t like the look of his zip taped seams?



He decided to paint the whole thing white. Another completely unnecessary expense and waste of time. Who’s going to see it… the mice?



Here he is vacuuming cobwebs out of the windows.



Man with vacuum is such a rare sighting…. I had to get a close up.



A giant pause was taken when the cables to our satellite tv were reached. This is sacred ground and must be dealt with properly to avoid interruption in service. He’s only seen Rio Bravo, El Dorado and The Sons of Katie Elder 122 times. Wouldn’t want to miss the 123rd showing.


Busy work for the not so happily retired.


My husband started a new project. One that isn’t on the honey do list, or even makes any sense as far as I’m concerned.



But because he’s bored silly since the weather has turned and he can’t tinker outside? He decided our basement needed a ceiling.



The area is neither heated nor finished…. so why he decided this, I don’t know.

What I do know is he’s thrown all my holiday decorating items into a giant pile and mixed the Xmas with the Thanksgiving and the Easter with the Halloween. Grrr…



My little section of the basement was the only clean and organized part, so of course that’s the section he wanted to install a ceiling.

His part of the cellar still looks like this:



Packed to the rafters with useless crap his treasure. (Please note my Christmas reindeer in the foreground. It did not have a broken, missing horn yesterday. 😠



There used to be a path through this section but not anymore.



This path now dead ends as well.



The only remaining path to the stairs is starting to narrow as well. If he isn’t careful, he’s going to get trapped down there….

And at times? I think that might not be a bad thing.



It’s been a month.


And a very challenging month to say the least.



(Okay, it’s not that bad. But my husband retired December 31rst and won’t see his first monthly pension check until June. Such are the joys of working for the Federal Government.)

As I’ve said before this was a difficult decision for my hardworking spouse. He struggled with it for years and I knew it wouldn’t be an easy transition. What I didn’t know was that I would suddenly be living with a 74 year old toddler who bores easily and must be entertained.

Since Covid ruined our original retire and travel! plans, the husband has been having trouble finding ways to while away the hours. It’s winter in Maine and we are not skiers, snowshoers, or ice hockey enthusiasts. There’s a lot of indoor down time and one can only play so much pool.

On the plus side? My auxiliary desk that has looked like this since he started teleworking two years ago…



Is now free of post its and back to normal.



On the down side? My husband has recently been on the phone with coworkers and clients trying to find a way to worm his way back into the aviation industry.

32 days of retirement and he already wants to go back to work.



Pandemic humor.


Because if I don’t laugh, I’ll hurt someone.



Proof there’s a silver lining to every cloud.



I’m not there… yet.



This, above anything else, is what I miss. Our plans of retiring and traveling extensively this year went right down the drain.



Whew. Glad I made the cut…



I wouldn’t doubt it.



Some people just shouldn’t shake their groove thing. Ever.



Better living through science? I rest my case.



Building a snowman?

Very 2019.


They’re not worthy.


Not worthy of a blog of their own, but random interesting stuff all the same.

(And by interesting, you know I mean not at all interesting… just random information you didn’t want nor need but I feel compelled to share anyway)



I read a lot…. and before now have never thought of myself as any of these.

But from now on?

I’m an ink drinker all the way.



Yes, I bought myself a frying pan that’s reinforced by diamonds.

Because my fried chicken deserves the very best.



My rose is blooming like a lolly pop.



Is this earth shattering news you can use?


But nothing I say ever is.



This claims to be the perfect Cosmopolitan recipe.

I shall research it extensively and report back.



Sadly, we had to shop for 2 headstones for recently passed members of my husband’s family.

After we picked the size of the stone, and the color of the granite….this was what we were given. Sheets of paper with literally thousands of designs that were printed so small, even reading glasses and a magnifying glass barely helped us make them out.

I believe the husband chose a lighthouse for one…. but it could as easily have been a beer keg.

Time will tell.



Danger Will Robinson!

If you’ve never experienced a browntail moth rash you haven’t lived a full life. Imagine mixing poison ivy with fire ants and chicken pox…. and you might come close.

These little bastards have moved into Maine and are stripping our trees bare. And if you happen to brush up against one of them? Hang on, because you’ll attempt to rip the skin off your bones within 12 hours. Nothing stops the itch except a spray that comes in a one ounce bottle sold by one hospital in the state for $65 per. Insurance won’t cover it and you need a doctor’s prescription to purchase it.

I get the rash at least 3 times a year.

Good times.

And finally, if you’ve been wondering what people are doing to keep busy during the pandemic… or how they’re spending their stimulus money?

Wonder no longer.


More pandemic chuckles.


Because if you don’t laugh, you’ll scream.



That’s the very definition of symmetry.



I can relate to this.

My bags are lonely… as well as heartbroken.



I’m not a religious person, but first plague…. now insects.

It’s mildly convincing, but I’m still holding out for water into wine.




A protest I can get behind.



Well that’s depressing.



Because the answer to “what’s new?” has never been more boring.

The last batch.


But really, how can you not love these art re-creations?



Look at that woman!

Having her husband’s head on a platter has simply made her day worth living.



The nose is a little less spectacular, but okay.




Im not sure which is more disturbing, the original or the remake.



Is it me…

Or does that guy look like George Harrison’s Indian guru from the 60’s?



Art imitating life, or life imitating art?

Either way…. that man is slaying it.

And now, the final picture.

Which couldn’t be any more relevant if it tried.